Greenwich Sportsmen and Landowners’ Association Application
JULY 24TH, 2019
This application is designed for GSLA to try to get to know you. Please answer all questions fully and honestly. If you need more room to complete your answers or you feel some clarification is necessary, continue on the back of the application.
GSLA is not for everyone because GSLA is searching for the most ethical, safe and responsible bow hunters to participate in our Whitetail deer management Program. One of GSLA’s primary goals is the harvesting of mature does to reduce the deer herd in Greenwich. If you are not interested in hunting mature doe deer, GSLA is not the organization for you. We donate entire doe deer to the Food Bank of Lower Fairfield County in Stamford, CT.
GSLA reserves the right to accept or deny any membership application.
a. Valid Connecticut Bowhunter ‘s License
b. No record of Game Law Violations
c. Signature required on Ethics Pledge
d. Arrow identification
e. $200.00 annual membership fee is due upon membership activation.
f. Commitment of no less than 30 hours of bowhunting for the hunting season.
g. Shooting proficiency test with hunting arrows and points from tree stand
h. Personal interview
Name ____________________________________________________ Age ____
Date ______________
Address _________________________________________________
Phone (home) ______________________ (work) ___________________________
E-mail _____________________________________ (cell) _______________
Connecticut Hunting License number ___________________________________
Emergency Contact Number and Name _____________________________________________________________________
How long have you been bowhunting? __________________________________
How many mature female whitetails did you kill last hunting season? _______
How many pounds of venison did you donate last year? ____________________
Please use this space below to tell us anything about yourself. What is your philosophy of bowhunting, conservation, etc. (use the reverse side, if necessary)?
List two bowhunting references (other than family) with their contact numbers:
1. __________________________
2. __________________________
I __________________________(please Print) have answered all the questions in this application completely and truthfully. If accepted as a member of the Greenwich Sportsmen and Landowner's Association, I agree to abide by the Association's rules, regulations and landowner's restrictions. Violations of the Association or applicable game laws will result in the immediate termination of your membership and reporting to the local wildlife conservation officer.
GSLA reserves the right to limit membership based upon available safe bowhunting properties.
Return your application as soon as possible to GSLA,
Potential member's applications will be numbered in the order that they are received for processing and possible membership.
Enclosed is my check for $200.00. I understand that this check will not be deposited until my membership application is approved. I also understand that I must harvest three doe deer and donate them in their entirety to the Food Bank. If your membership is not approved your original check will be returned to you.