Welcome to the Greenwich Sportsman Landowner Alliance
GSLA Purpose:
GSLA was founded in 1991 in Greenwich to promote and protect bowhunting as a means of deer population control. Member bowhunters are aware of and considerate of local concerns about hunting. They are ethical, proficient and practice scrupulous safety measures.
The Mission of the Greenwich Sportsmen & Landowners Alliance is:
- To provide Greenwich landowners, who opt to allowing hunting on their property to control the deer herd, with bowhunters who are safe, ethical and that are considerate of local concerns.
- To only recruit bowhunters who are safety conscious, State certified and licensed, thoroughly screened, proficient, meet the strict program requirements and who will respect landowner property and privacy.
- To contribute to the management of local deer populations using the latest scientific finding of professional wildlife managers and biologists.
- To contribute locally harvested venison to local food shelters as approved by the State of Connecticut.
- To promote a positive image of bowhunting and bowhunters.
Suburban Deer Management Program
With Police, First Selectman, Town Conservation Commission,
Community, Property owners, media & State Game Commission
Hunters are assigned to properties
Hunters are assigned to area leaders
Designated parking areas with parking ID
Organized meat processing and donations
Hunters are screened by application and interview
8 Hour National Bowhunter Education Foundation course required
Proficiency Test required
Proof of harvesting a minimum of 3 big game animals
Hunters are not permitted to harvest a male deer until two females have been harvested.
Rules and Regulations designed to meet the needs of suburban game management
Liability Insurance coverage for property owners provided by State of Connecticut
The nature of bowhunting is safe and quiet. Shots limited to 20 yards from tree stands. Shots angle into the ground. We have an excellent field of view.
Wounding losses are minimal because of the above screening of hunters.